Test Maker helps you to create and/or conduct tests with different questionnaire for different categorised people. By using test maker anyone can create a test or attend an existing test. There are two kinds of tests available. One is public and the other one is private test. Everyone can view the public test,but the people who are invited for the test can only view the private tests.The person who created the test can also sell their tests.
Test Maker is suitable for the following section of the people:
Test maker can be classified in different categories. They are
Here we can create test with different Questionnaire.
For private test, you have to invite candidates to write test. You have to invite candidates through mails depending upon the skills and the position of the candidate.
We can search the test depending upon the skill set and requirement.Depending upon the search criteria the test will be displayed. If you want to buy or attend the test go through search test.
You can view the test results which you have attended.
If you want to create public test, go through my public test. Here you can also create a public test which will be viewed by public
If you want to create private test, go through my private test.Here you can create private test. To view this test you have to invite people to share this test and to attend this test.
The purchased test list will be displayed here. Here you can view the list of tests which you have bought.